
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Jock Muscle Recipes

Going to the gym again? Try these links. Try this recipe:

Chocolate Banana Crunch
1 serving of Jock Muscle Chocolate Whey
8 oz. of water or milk
1 banana
3 ice cubes
4 low fat chocolate wafers

1. In a blender, mix chocolate whey protein and water/milk.
2. Add banana and ice cubes to blender, and blend on high 45 seconds.
3. Add chocolate wafers, then blend at low speed for 10 seconds.
4. Drink immediately.

  • Jock Muscle
  • The Blog
  • Wednesday, December 10, 2008

    MYBLOG by Ouriel: My ShakShuka recipe

    MYBLOG by Ouriel: My ShakShuka recipe: "1 white onion
    1 red pepper (option add 1 green pepper but not for me)
    1 cup of sugar
    concentrate of tomatoe
    2 tomates
    4 eggs (2/personn)
    olive oil
    Parsley, cumin, pepper, salt
    1 large pan"

    Tuesday, December 9, 2008

    My Jewish Learning: Shakshuka Recipe

    My Jewish Learning: Shakshuka Recipe
    A recipe for one of the most popular egg dishes in Israel
    By Joan Nathan
    Reprinted with permission from The Foods of Israel Today (Knopf).

    In 1930, Simon Agranat, the chief justice of the Israeli Supreme Court, wrote to his aunt and uncle in Chicago: "I had my eighth successive egg meal during my three-day jour­ney through the Emek (the valley)." Eggs have always been a main protein for people in Israel. When I lived in Jerusalem, I would make for my breakfast--or even for dinner--scrambled eggs with sauteed spring onions, fresh herbs, and dollops of cream cheese melted into the eggs as they were cooking...CLICK HERE FOR FULL ARTICLE